Just last week, we went to a fun fair like event held near a shopping centre in our country's shopping belt. It was to raise funds for the less fortunate children and we had a stack of coupons with us. The weather was hot but luckily, the place was sheltered. There were many games stalls, of which, my kids only took interest in two of them. We spent almost half of our coupons on games. I had some coupons left and so went over to a few stalls that were selling 2nd hand stuff. This was what I found and it cost me only a dollar and it was brand new.(Just that it had been bought quite some time ago by the owner and the paint in the package might have dried up)
It was a 'glow in the dark ' piece of painting for little kids. The only regret is that I did not buy another set for my Cinderella, so only Snow White got to do the painting and she was rather unwilling to share.
Instructions were provided behind the package. It was easy, just add a bit of water to the paint and it was ready to use. Applying the colours seemed to be more challenging. As you can see the paint brush provided(the green stick), it was very small and when painting, you have to keep dipping into the paint. You could not
add too much water or else the paint would not 'stay' on the plastic and if you added too little water, the paint became too thick., the application was not smooth. And for those small little patches, we used toothpicks to fill in the colours.
Snow White applying colour. The purple colour had dried up already, so she had only 3 colours to choose from.
Snow White using a toothpick to appy colours to the small patches.
The completed work.
Attached a string for her to hang in the room.
Should have asked Snow White to colour the border too. But she was already very happy with her effort. When the paint had dried, we waited till night time to show her the 'magic' .My 2 kids just 'Wow and wow'!
By the way, Snow White actually asked me what were those characters after the painting process. I had assumed that she could at least recognise the witch. Another learning opportunity! I gladly told her that one was a monster and the other a witch. She preferred the monster to be a dragon, or a wolf. Perhaps, I should also mention about Halloween since it was October. Just did not think of that at that time.